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The Magician Reversed - Spirituality: When this card appears reversed, it indicates a need for new experiences and perspectives and even new input into the way you think about and function with your spirituality. It?s okay (and in fact, it?s desirable and healthy) for your spiritual approaches and thoughts to change over time. Try new things. Talk to people who see things differently than you do. You will both benefit."


5 Of Cups Reversed - Spirituality: You are ready for a fresh spiritual start and you are likely to be feeling renewed very soon, if you are not sensing this already. Make a point to bring in new, and different information on spirituality which intrigues you. You can do this through meeting new people, obtaining information on different faith traditions, or even reading philosopy. allow yourself to have some "new information" to chew over."


3 Of Swords - Spirituality: This is not a time to try to hold on to things, ideas, situations, or people which may have run their course in your life. You must make room in your life/heart/emotions/spirit for new things to come to you. Time alone will be helpful. Have you done all the healing that you need to do? The answers you seek are within you, although you may need help to bring them to the surface. Talk with someone you trust."


3 Of Swords - Spirituality: This is not a time to try to hold on to things, ideas, situations, or people which may have run their course in your life. You must make room in your life/heart/emotions/spirit for new things to come to you. Time alone will be helpful. Have you done all the healing that you need to do? The answers you seek are within you, although you may need help to bring them to the surface. Talk with someone you trust."


4 Of Pentacles Reversed - Spirituality: You are about to take a spiritual leap forward, as because of a combination of factors, you are likely to no longer be holding yourself back and will be more open to dealing with others and allowing them to affect you. This will give both them, and yourself, blessings and opportunities for growth."


Queen Of Wands Reversed - Spirituality: A convincing, and perhaps domineering, older woman may try to convince you that she has all or many of the answers when it comes to spirituality. You may need to draw boundaries with her several times, in order to not be pulled into something that works for her but which you have no interest in. She may be angry or hurt as a result, but remember that no one has the right to tell you how to live your spiritual life. It's important to think and experience for yourself."


Knight Of Pentacles - Spirituality: You may find yourself suddenly spiritually overwhelmed, potentially with no obvious reason. Try to break down these feelings into manageable chunks, there is no need for you to tackle your whole life at one sitting. You are in the midst of spiritual change when this happens. See that you change for the better."


8 Of Pentacles Reversed - Spirituality: The reversed 8 of Pentacles, again, urges some action even in the context of a spiritual question. This is not the time for quiet contemplation, if you are seeking spiritual growth, this is a time for taking steps, meeting new people, trying new approaches, going places, and opening yourself up - all of which "takes work." You can do it and the benefits can be enormous."


Page Of Cups - Spirituality: You may need to revisit your spiritual rituals if your traditions have begun to feel stale. It might be helpful to give yourself the time and space to consider if or where you can pursue new spiritual information that might be interesting to you. Explore. Read spiritual things from other traditions/belief systems than your own."


Ace Of Swords Reversed - Spirituality: Again, the reversed Ace can show that you are in a mindset that means it is easy to get overly invested in spiritual ideas which in the long run may prove to be of little value to you. Be cautious about forceful people who try to get you involved in new organizations - particularly "spiritual" organizations which require you to pay to belong. This is a time when your spirituality can grow through your own efforts: you don't need a big organization in order to learn and open yourself up more."


Knight Of Pentacles - Spirituality: You may find yourself suddenly spiritually overwhelmed, potentially with no obvious reason. Try to break down these feelings into manageable chunks, there is no need for you to tackle your whole life at one sitting. You are in the midst of spiritual change when this happens. See that you change for the better."


4 Of Cups - Spirituality: Wishful thinking can take it's toll on the spiritual aspect of life, as when we are caught up in "poor me" thinking or "I wish things were different," it tends to blind us to the beauty of what IS in our lives, right now. Stay constant and grounded in the present moment. If you can't keep a "gratitude journal" and write down things you feel grateful for every day, at least make a list of twenty people/situations/things in your life that you are grateful for now. Thinking along these lines can elevate your "spiritual mindset" immensely, and quickly."