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5 Of Wands Reversed - Spirituality: Know that spiritual growth is not a competition. When the reversed 5 of Wands appears, people may try to convince you that you need to grow a certain way, at a certain speed, and so forth. Know, too, that spiritual growth can involve dealing with and accepting some apparent contradictions. Try to become more comfortable with paradox."


The Hanged Man - Spirituality: It's crucial now to let go of any negative, self-limiting beliefs. Remember the idea of the "self-fulfilling prophesy" and be very careful about what you allow yourself to say or think about our life. Make sure the "prophecies" you are making about your life bear some resemblance to the life you really wish to see."


8 Of Cups Reversed - Spirituality: You need to engage more with the outside world when the 8 of Cups appears reversed. If this is hard for you, find a trusted friend, or a group where you feel at least marginally comfortable, and get out and talk to people. Many good things will flow from this simple action, including finding yourself more in touch with the divine, both within you, and that which is in the world. Don't isolate yourself."


The Magician Reversed - Spirituality: When this card appears reversed, it indicates a need for new experiences and perspectives and even new input into the way you think about and function with your spirituality. It?s okay (and in fact, it?s desirable and healthy) for your spiritual approaches and thoughts to change over time. Try new things. Talk to people who see things differently than you do. You will both benefit."


Page Of Wands Reversed - Spirituality: The Page definitely points to a need to honor and listen to your own intuition. Creativity may go far to enrich your spiritual experiences now. Someone that you already know may have some important spiritual insights to share. Even if you're usually very private about such things, consider talking to a friend or two about their spiritual "take" or experiences. This can be unbelievably insipirational."


The Hanged Man - Spirituality: It's crucial now to let go of any negative, self-limiting beliefs. Remember the idea of the "self-fulfilling prophesy" and be very careful about what you allow yourself to say or think about our life. Make sure the "prophecies" you are making about your life bear some resemblance to the life you really wish to see."


The Emperor - Spirituality: Be sure to take time out for yourself in order to honor your need for spiritual growth. Do not focus totally on your left-brained aspects (logic, reason, order,) but allow your right brain to have input too. Logic can lead you to the spirit, if you allow this, and if you don't get too stuck in your logical self. Meditation, (which requires great discipline) will come easier for you now if you make the time and effort."


Knight Of Wands - Spirituality: You may be suddenly introduced to a new way of looking at things spiritually which appeals to you deeply. Take some time to explore this "new way" before spending a great deal of time or money on it. Devote some time and energy and money if possible to the spiritual causes that you believe in. That's one of the highest forms of prayer that there is."


The World - Spirituality: You are likely to have several clear flashes of important spiritual insights during this time. Keep a notebook handy and record these. Share and discuss them with others (even if your only outlet for that is online). We are all on a spiritual journey, and your insights are likely to be valuable for others as well."


3 Of Swords Reversed - Spirituality: The 3 of Swords again indicates that things may not be entirely clear to you in the spiritual realm. Be wary if you meet new people who claim to have "all the answers" spiritually. Their answers may not be your answers. There's no harm in exploring different spiritual understandings and traditions, however, this is probably not the time to commit to any of them."


6 Of Wands Reversed - Spirituality: The reversed 6 of Wands can indicate that you are somehow expecting the universe to give you answers or guidance without any input or effort from you. Yes, it sometimes happens that way, but more often, we are expected to ask about specifics, and take action on our own, rather than waiting for everything to line up in perfect order. Be open to the insights you are given from others, at least enough to consider them fully even if you ultimately reject their interpretation."


3 Of Cups - Spirituality: It may be important now, particularly if you usually attend to your spiritual side in solitude, to reach out to others. This can lead to a spiritual awakening. Think about whether or not you have need of a "spiritual teacher" (in the flesh) and if you do, seek one out! This can be any sort of trusted counselor, not even necessarily someone who identifies as a "spiritual leader.""