Dagelijks een nieuwe planetenhoroscoop beheerd door de Schotse paragnost Andrew Burns, bepaald met zon, maan, planeetstanden. |
Boogschutter, If you are the kind of Boogschutter who enjoys a challenge then Mars and Saturn in your sign will bring you one this day. No matter what happens you must not back down. You’ve got to let others know that you mean business. |
Kreeft, Don’t take anything you see or hear at face value today because the full moon has a tendency to warp things. Travel plans are well starred and you will meet some exciting people, but don’t let them lead you astray. |
Leeuw, You may try to hide the truth from the world today but it’s unlikely you will succeed. With Mars, linked to Jupiter, planet of excess, you will do or say something that lets the cat out of the bag. |
Maagd, A relationship problem is nowhere near as serious as you have persuaded yourself that it is, and with passion planet Mars transiting the partnership area of your chart you can easily resolve it. So what are you waiting for? |
Ram, As Mercury, is linked to Neptune, planet of universal love, today you won’t want to make a fuss about anything. Just be careful others don’t take advantage of your laidback attitude. You’ll care if it costs you money. |
Schorpioen, Temptation will come knocking today and you will have a hard time saying No. The planets warn that if you give in to your desires you may regret it later on, so stand firm and keep clear of people who tend to tend to bring out the worst in you. |
Steenbok, The planets are warning you not to push yourself too hard or to allow your emotions to dictate your actions. You of all people should know that balance is essential physically, mentally and emotionally too. |
Stier, You will clash with someone whose opinions you disagree with this day. Can you find common ground? Maybe, but the planets suggest you are too different in outlook to ever truly get along. It’s their loss. |
Tweelingen, Someone in a position of power will give you a hard time but you will find it easy to ignore them. The Sun’s entry into the most dynamic area of your chart means you have more interesting, and more positive, matters to deal with. |
Vissen, As Venus, planet of affection, moves into your sign of Vissen you must put your doubts and suspicions to one side and give partners and loved ones the benefit of the doubt. What you do together will stand the test of time. |
Waterman, So much is possible for you now, so much is there for the taking, but you are still holding back. Why? As limitations planet Saturn turns retrograde today the way ahead of you is clear of obstacles — so get moving! |
Weegschaal, On the one hand you are looking forward to starting something new, but on the other hand you are fearful that you will get it wrong and look silly. Don’t worry: the planets indicate it will be a huge success — with huge rewards. |