Dagelijks een nieuwe LiefdesHoroscoop. Door de Amerikaanse Paragnost Dern. Iedere dag een advies mbt liefde/affectie.
LiefdesHoroscoop van Vandaag,
Boogschutter; You want your lover to give you a definite statement of feeling. They want you to shut up and leave things well enough alone.

Kreeft; Humor & romance work hand & hand. Be careful you dont overdo it trying to impress someone. You may put them off.

Leeuw; You and your partner maybe going through an unfamiliar phase. Try something different that feeds the need for excitement in you both.

Maagd; Sometimes, absence truly does make the heart grow fonder no matter how hard the time apart becomes. You two will get through this.

Ram; An enthusiastic you is a good one. You may have to tone it down as little as your lover has something to say

Schorpioen; You have a certain situation you need to deal with. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill; be realistic about what needs changing.

Steenbok; This isn’t the time for a passionate affair. It is probably best that you don’t have anything too heavy in your life right now.

Stier; Because you have had too many responsibilities you have spent less time with your sweetheart. Take this time to be with them.

Tweelingen; You will feel a lot more mellow and laid-back as you spend time with your loved one. Enjoy these restful and romantic hours.

Vissen; There is an adventurous energy towards your love life today. All of your relationships will get a positive boost today.

Waterman; Your thinking is greatly enhanced by your emotional intuitiveness. Romantic endeavors will benefit from this intensified empathy.

Weegschaal; You may have told your sweetheart a few white lies to cover up a very embarrassing truth. He or she knows something isnt right.