Dagelijks een nieuwe vrienden-horoscoop beheerd door A. Burns & Ella Boyle. Verkrijg meer inzicht in je relaties & vriendschappen. |
Boogschutter, Go out of your way to help other people, because what you do for friends and loved ones now will be done for you at some stage in the not-too-distant future. Don’t just be generous with your money, be generous with your time too. |
Kreeft, Someone a little bit exotic will come into your life either today or over the day and you just might fall head over heels for them. Even if the romantic spark isn’t there you will certainly become the best of friends. |
Leeuw, You may not approve of what a friend has done but you don’t intend to condemn them for it either. You know how easy it is for good intentions to become bad actions or habits, which is why you prefer not to judge. |
Maagd, You are in one of your faultfinding moods and will most likely pick holes in everything that other people do. Don’t be surprised to find yourself short of friends by the end of the day. Try being positive! |
Ram, Have as much fun as you can handle today and don’t feel in the least bit guilty about it. You will enjoy yourself more if you go out with friends than if you stay close to home. Be sociable. See and be seen. You’re looking great. |
Schorpioen, Keep your eyes fixed on the bigger picture today and don’t allow yourself to be distracted by events that don’t take you closer to your ultimate goal. You can still be sociable and have fun with your friends, but get your priorities right. |
Steenbok, You may be at a loss to explain why a friend or relative is acting so strangely but you know how illogical some people can be. Not everyone shares your Spock-like ability to focus only on facts. Make allowances for human nature. |
Stier, Speak up if you disagree with what a friend or family member is proposing to do. They may not welcome your input now but later on they will thank you for caring, especially if they acted on your advice. |
Tweelingen, Don’t worry too much if you’ve been finding it difficult to get along with a certain individual. Venus, planet of harmony, will help you overcome your differences and be friends again. Just don’t say anything that might upset them. |
Vissen, You can be rather judgmental at times but today you must make a conscious effort not to be critical. You don’t have to like what a friend or relative is doing but need to accept that it’s the right move for them. |
Waterman, You will get advice from all directions today – from friends and enemies, from colleagues and relatives, from young and old – and you should ignore every last word of it. You don’t need advice. You just need to do today what you did yesterday, only better. |
Weegschaal, Make time for yourself this day – but make time for others too. A good deed done for a friend or colleague or relative could have unforeseen knock-on effects that benefit dozens, if not hundreds, of people. |